Demoulding station of the X-Bloc® moulds in the APS automated plant of Calais.
X-Blocs® on the evacuation line, before being moved to the storage area of the Calais automated plant provided by APS.
Functioning of an APS armour unit automated plant in Calais, France. This plant is part of the Calais Port 2015 project, an extension of the already existing harbour. The video was realized in collaboration with our partner Bouygues
X-Bloc® armour unit moulds arriving at the concreting station of the automated plant provided by APS in Calais.
Evacuation of X-Blocs® after the production process in the APS precast plant in Calais.
Concreting station of an APS automated precast plant designed for noise barriers.
Functioning of the very first armour unit automated plant, provided by APS for the " New coastal road " project on La Réunion Island, France
Sleepers evacuation line in a long line factory designed by APS.
APS moulds being demoulded in the automated precast plant of La Réunion, France.
Concreting station of the automated precast plant provided by APS to SCPR in La Réunion, France.
APS automated plant for armour units in La Réunion, France.
Reunion Island project : APS plant for the production of breakwater blocs